
Jessie team rocket wig
Jessie team rocket wig

Jessie and James performed their motto while wearing ski gear. Their disguises worked, as they were led to Remoraid Lake. Jessie and James posed as archaeologists, with Meowth disguised as a mummy. Team Rocket attended a tea ceremony at the Kimono Sisters' tea house dressed in their best formal attire. Team Rocket announced their arrival with a magic show while wearing magician coats.

jessie team rocket wig

James would repeat the Ash disguise in Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike! with Pokémon the Series: XY clothes. This was most likely done as payback for Ash and his friends dressing up as them and performing their motto for them in Ditto's Mysterious Mansion. Jessie and James disguised themselves as Duplica and Ash respectively. These disguises reappeared in A Bite to Remember. Jessie and James disguised themselves as stylists, while their Pokémon were elaborately and colorfully decorated as a part of the Pokémon Beauty Contest.Īfter their cover was blown by Officer Jenny, Jessie and James posed as doctors, demanding that the beauty contestants hand over their Pokémon for a routine physical examination. Jessie and James wore polo shirts and shorts while they competed in the Seaking Catching Competition. While Jessie and James wore navy-blue, Meowth and Wobbuffet were dressed in red. Team Rocket arrived on the scene in ninja outfits. The trio disguised themselves as trees, helping them camouflage with their forest surroundings while they plotted to steal a wild Sudowoodo. Jessie and James appeared in kimonos, with Jessie holding a goldfish in a bag while James had sweet treats in his hands. Jessie wore a Venomoth costume as a ploy to attract Bug Pokémon to her, while James and Meowth were armed with nets. They reappear in these outfits again in Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!.Īfter learning that the Bug-Catching Contest was restricted to people under age 16, Jessie, James, and Meowth attempted to make themselves appear younger by dressing in student-style clothes, with Meowth as an infant. In You Said a Mouthful, Jessie and James wear these same outfits while they take over Anthony's unofficial Gym. Jessie and James reappeared in these outfits in Some Like it Hot, though with purple and orange tuxedos and pants instead. The trio disguised themselves as a ventriloquist act called "The Dugtrio Trio", with Meowth as the dummy. He wore the costume again in The Dunsparce Deception while performing in a play.

jessie team rocket wig

James, inspired from a phony Pokémon zodiac book given to them by a disguised Butch and Cassidy, dressed in a Moltres costume for the first time. Jessie and James posed as auxiliary ladies from the Pokémon Battler's Association, though Wobbuffet's unannounced appearance helped Ash and his friends see through the disguises. Jessie and James disguised themselves as inventors with a "machine" that supposedly makes the user's Pokémon stronger, but instead, winds up as empty Poké Balls. The trio decided to wear plant-inspired costumes to blend in with their surroundings while they waited to ambush Ash during his Azalea Gym challenge. Jessie led her " Metapod men", Meowth and James, to battle Gligarman. Team Rocket wore detective outfits while they spied on Ash and his friends. They first appeared in costume as they flooded water into their pitfall trap with Ash and his friends trapped inside. Jessie and James reused their casual outfits while competing in the Pastoria Croagunk Festival in Cream of the Croagunk Crop!. He dressed up as a Sunflora for a total of six additional times in the Pokémon anime, specifically in The Grass Route, A Bite to Remember, Pacifidlog Jam, All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!, A Secret Sphere of Influence!, and Three Sides to Every Story!. Meowth disguised himself as a Sunflora for the first time. James and Meowth later reused these outfits in Outrageous Fortunes.

jessie team rocket wig

Jessie and James were weakly disguised as survey takers from the Pokémon Bureau.

Jessie team rocket wig full#

Jessie and James disguised themselves as doctors, wearing full white suits with gloves, mouth covers, glasses and white skullcaps with red lines and a Red Cross on the front. These disguises reappeared in Takin' It on the Chinchou. The trio dressed as medieval thieves stealing items akin to The Black Arachnid. The trio disguised themselves as park rangers to avoid being detected while they illegally mine for amberite.

jessie team rocket wig

The trio posed as Team Electabuzz fans to convince Casey, an avid Electabuzz fan, to have a rematch against Ash while they plot to snatch Pikachu.

  • Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

  • Jessie team rocket wig